Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Realm Defense - Pridefall Kingdom (World 1) Enemies

Slimes from Googunk Glade have overrun Pridefall Kingdom. Rebuild your defenses and take back your lands from the miscreant muci!

Realm Defense Bucket Slime
Bucket Slime
A large slime wearing a bucket. When the bucket breaks, he becomes angry.
- Goes into a Rage!

Realm Defense Bucket Troll
Bucket Troll
Trolls are dumb, but great at smashing things!

Realm Defense Crow
Crows are able to fly over troops and past certain towers without harm.
- Flying

Realm Defense Giant Slime
Giant Slime
A menacing slime looking for trouble.
- Divides into two Slimes

Realm Defense Giant Slime Mage
Giant Slime Mage
Slimes have a habit of absorbing all sorts of things. This one tried to absorb a skeleton mage and couldn't quite do it. So now the two wreack havoc the best they can as a team.
- Hastens enemies
- Boss

Realm Defense Poison Spider
Poison Spider
Their poisonous cloud can take down multiple troops.
- Poison cloud

Realm Defense Skeleton
The reanimated bones of fallen warriors who hunger for battle.

Realm Defense Skeleton Archer
Skeleton Archer
Even though they feel no pain, they prefer to fight at a distance.
- Shoots arrows

Realm Defense Skeleton Mage
Skeleton Mage
Cursed with dark magic, these bones empower other enemies near them.
- Hastens enemies

Realm Defense Slime
Slimy pests that make up for their many weaknesses with large numbers. You could say they're not very goo-d on their own.
- Swarms

Realm Defense Slime Blob
Slime Blob
This enormous blob of evil goo has a devastating slobber attack.
- Strong attack
- Divides into two Giant Slimes

Realm Defense Slime King
Slime King
In slime society, a slime becomes king by absorbing all those who oppose him. This seemingly regal collection of ill-tempered slimes will absorb anything that stands in its way.
- Boss
- Summons Slime Blobs

Realm Defense Slime Queen
Slime Queen
An elegant but deadly slime who summons slime minions when attacked.
- Spawns Slimes when attacked

Realm Defense Spider
These arachnids are fast! Stop them with troops or heroes.
- Fast

Realm Defense Warthog
Wild hogs out for blood. They are fast, strong and ill-tempered.