Core Stats:
Basic Damage: 58
Skill Power: 54
Max HP: 699
Max Energy: 1000
Role: Damage
Position: Back
Trial Team: Blue
A racer with a wicked sense of humor, Vanellope glitches around her enemies and deals damage with her trusty new soda soaker.
1) Lollipop Slammer
Uses her glitch to become untargetable and teleport into the middle of her enemies. She slams her candy hammer, dealing power skill damage to all enemies near her, then teleports back behind her allies.
Type: Fantastic Damage
Unlocked at: White
2) Soda Geyser
Combines the power of mint and soda to shoot a massive spray of soda at her closest enemy, dealing skill power damage. The corn syrup slows their movement speed by 25% and their attack speed by 25% for 3.0 seconds.
Type: Fantastic Damage
Unlocked at: Green
3) Minty Fresh
Launches a minty cannon ball at the furthest enemy, dealing skill power damage.
Type: Fantastic Damage
Unlocked at: Blue
4) Sharing is Caring
All of Vanellope's basic attacks, "Soda Geyser" and "Minty Fresh" gain splash damage based on skill power.
Unlocked at: Purple
"Tut, tut. As your merciful princess, I hearby decree that everyone who was ever mean to me shall be... executed."