Core Stats:
Basic Damage: 38
Skill Power: 62
Max HP: 515
Max Energy: 1000
Role: Damage, Disabler
Position: Back
Trial Team: Blue
Experiment 626, also known as Stitch, is an alien being with a vicious bite and powerful plasma guns. He is also pretty cute and fluffy.
1) Plasma Blast
Stitch pulls out all of his blasters and attacks the closest enemy 4 times, dealing basic damage with each hit.
Type: Normal Damage
Unlocked at: White
2) Slobber
Stitch rudely marks a target, slowing their movement speed by 20% and their attack speed by 20% for 10 seconds. Shortly after, a security gun shoots the target dealing skill power damage to the enemy and nearby enemies.
Unlocked at: Green
3) 626 Scuffle
Stitch tussles with an enemy, temporarily stunning them. Stitch hits the enemy four times, stealing HP based on skill power with each hit. Stitch only uses this skill when he is below 50% HP and can only use it once in every 12.0 seconds. This attack does true damage which ignores armor and reality.
Type: True Damage
Unlocked at: Blue
4) Feel the Groove
Every time Stitch crits he gains 100 energy. This effect is reduced when damaging an enemy above required skill level.
Unlocked at: Purple
"Nobody gets left behind."