Judy Hopps
Core Stats:
Basic Damage: 33
Skill Power: 37
Max HP: 163
Max Energy: 1000
Role: Support
Position: Mid
Trial Team: Yellow
Brimming with optimism and pure determination, Judy Hopps uses her kickboxing skills to subdue the enemy.
1) Bunny Hop
Judy jumps in the air to kick the closest enemy, knocking them backwards and doing skill power damage. The enemy's attack speed is slowed by 80% and movement speed is slowed by 80% for 3 seconds. The slow has a chance to fail against enemies higher than the required skill level.
Type: Normal Damage
Unlocked at: White
2) Deputize
Judy inspires her whole team at the start of every wave, giving them basic damage based on her skill power, 15% movement speed and 15% attack speed for 7 seconds.
Unlocked at: Green
3) Testify
When an ally knocks out an enemy, Hopps heals them some HP based on her skill power and inspires them for 3 seconds. The benefits of the inspire are the same as those from "Deputize"; the strength of the inspire matches the level of "Deputize".
Unlocked at: Blue
4) Play Dead
The first time Judy reaches 0 HP she plays dead. A short time later, she comes back to life with decent HP based on her skill level. This miraculous trick inspires her whole team for 2 seconds. Judy is invincible for 1 second after reviving. The benefits of the inspire are the same as those from "Deputize"; the strength of the inspire matches the level of "Deputize".
Unlocked at: Purple
"Real life is messy. We all have limitations, we all make mistakes, which means -hey, glass half full! -we all have a lot in common."