Core Stats:
Basic Damage: 33
Skill Power: 11
Max HP: 296
Max Energy: 1000
Role: Control
Position: Mid
Trial Team: Yellow
A short fox with an equally short temper, Finnick fox wallops his enemies with his Jumbo Pop and a little help from his beloved van.
1) Remote Controller
Finnick controls his trusty van remotely causing it to drive through all enemies, dealing skill power damage and knocking them back.
Type: Normal Damage
Unlocked at: White
2) Pummel Pop
Finnick flings Jumbo Pop goo at the nearest enemy doing skill power damage to them and all nearby enemies.
Type: Fantastic Damage
Unlocked at: Green
3) Jumbo Slam
Finnick smashes his Jumbo Pop sending out a shockwave that does skill power damage to enemies in front of him.
Type: Normal Damage
Unlocked at: Blue
4) Sticky Situation
Finnick gets his Jumbo Pop goo everywhere, causing his basic attacks, "Pummel Pop" and "Jumbo Slam" to also slow. Slowed enemies have their movement speed reduced by 30% and their attack speed reduced by 30% for 10 seconds. The slow has a chance to fail against enemies higher than the required skill level.
Unlocked at: Purple
"Small mammal, big heart, baby."