Core Stats:
Basic Damage: 61
Skill Power: 110
Max HP: 1149
Max Energy: 1000
Role: Damage
Position: Mid
Trial Team: Red
Helen Parr (aka Elastigirl) takes down bad guys with her amazing stretching powers.
1) Iron Fist
Elastigirl smashes her large fist down on the head of the closest enemy dealing skill power damage.
Type: Fantastic Damage
Unlocked at: White
2) Element of Surprise
Elastigirl uppercuts the closest foe dealing skill power damage, slowing their movement speed by 25% and their attack speed by 25% for 3.5 seconds. The slow has a chance to fail against enemies higher than the required skill level.
Type: Fantastic Damage
Unlocked at: Green
3) Roundhouse
Elastigirl kicks an enemy dealing skill power damage to them and knocking them back.
Type: Fantastic Damage
Unlocked at: Blue
4) Stretch Goals
Elastigirl gains an extra skill power based on required skill level.
Unlocked at: Purple
"I think you need to be a bit more flexible."