Core Stats:
Basic Damage: 33
Skill Power: 9
Max HP: 326
Max Energy: 1000
Role: Damage
Position: Mid
Trial Team: Red
Dashiell Parr uses his superhuman speed to "dash" in and get in a few well-placed punches before the enemy even realizes he's there.
1) Swift Strike
Dash runs across the screen punching enemies up to 7 times. Each punch does skill power damage.
Type: Normal Damage
Unlocked at: White
2) Getting Punchy
Dash dashes to a random target and punches them 6 times, dealing skill power damage with each punch.
Type: Normal Damage
Unlocked at: Green
3) Rapid Guard
Dash uses his lightning fast speed to intercept a projectile that is about to hit an ally. Dash ignores the first skill power damage from every projectile he intercepts.
Unlocked at: Blue
4) Confidence Boost
Dash gains 35 energy every time he damages an enemy within the required skill level or lower. The effect is reduced against enemies above the required skill level.
Unlocked at: Purple
"We're dead! We're dead! We survived but we're dead!"