Buzz Lightyear
Core Stats:
Basic Damage: 36
Skill Power: 40
Max HP: 350
Max Energy: 1000
Role: Damage
Position: Back
Trial Team: Blue
Buzz Lightyear is a heroic space ranger with real laser action and flying... er, falling with style. He controls enemies on the field with his anti-gravity bubbles.
1) Laser Action
Buzz flies into the air and fires his laser, dealing skill power damage to all enemies.
Type: Normal Damage
Unlocked at: White
2) Anti-Gravity Cage
Buzz encases an enemy in an anti-gravity bubble, stunning the enemy for 7.0 seconds. The stun has a chance to fail against enemies higher than the required skill level.
Unlocked at: Green
3) Pulsar Push
Buzz uses his anti-gravity bubble to knock back an enemy, dealing skill power damage to the enemy as well.
Type: Normal Damage
Unlocked at: Blue
4) Power Up
Every 3rd basic attack, Buzz's laser now pierces through his target and hits any additional enemies behind the first target. Each additional enemy takes basic damage.
Type: Normal Damage
Unlocked at: Purple
"To infinity and beyond!"