Friday, September 7, 2018

Brown Dust Character - Alec

Gender: Male
Age: 35
Height: 6'2"

An infamous warrior who's also known as the Destroyer. Previously, he was a pirate. His name always mentioned among the world's most infamous pirate and when it came to fighting skill, he was next to none. But he was a pirate because he had no other choice. In a corner of his mind, he always resented what he was. He quit that way of life when he met Aira.

Now he only uses his sword to protect Aira and those whom Aira loves. He even helped Fabian to protect the world that Aira lives in.
Brown Dust Alec

"I hope you're not as boring as the others... for as long as you breathe, that is."

"I'll show you what the best warrior can do."

"Hmpf, I'm only helping you to help my baby doll."